One Week In

One Week In

I’m now officially one week into the $1 Dollar Millionaire quest and so far everyone’s been very supportive and happy for me. But it’s still the early days yet. 

I do believe that there are one million people out there in the world that would join with me on my journey to become the first $1 Dollar Millionaire. I’m just not certain how many people I would need to speak with or meet through the internet to get there. 

I was told twice today that if anyone could pull off meeting one million people in ten years it would be me. I was also told by the same people that meeting that many people would cause them immense anxiety. 

My approach is to have a genuine and present meeting with each person in real life, to share a moment in time and to ask them if they will join my journey of meeting one million people in ten years. There’s something sacred on my end in the asking, the sense that we’ve come together for a reason and the dollar represents the person on the journey. The mystery of what I will do with the money remains as does the mystery of how the person will respond to my asking for the dollar. 

It’s the experience and the meeting that I’m after. 

On a funny note, my aunt has been asking her friend group in Florida on my behalf and the reactions she received ran the gamut from intense skepticism and the thought that something fishy was going on, to explanations that they had already given to charitable causes this year (to politics and the ACLU), to genuine excitement for me and my quest. She said her head was awhirl with the conversations she’d had and that she needed to rest for a bit before she started back up again. On an even funnier note, the friend who thought I was fishy still gave Kathy the dollar because of her connection to my aunt. So I’m now the owner of a fishy dollar. I would not have it any other way. 

Originally Written 12/30/20

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